Driving in Waltham
People in Waltham really use their cars to get around a lot. In fact, almost 7 out of 10 households in Waltham own two or more cars. The average commute time is almost 25 minutes and over 40 percent of commuters drive over 30 minutes to get to work. Seventy percent of commuters drive to work alone and almost 8 percent of them carpool. It’s 12 miles to Boston, but it takes about 35 minutes or longer to make the drive along the I-90 E due to traffic.
Waltham is home to both Bentley and Brandeis universities and is considered a center for research and academics. It is also home to an intersection that has been classified as the third most dangerous intersection in the entire state of Massachusetts. This intersection sits between Main Street and Lyman Street and is a high-risk location, clocking a high number of accidents and injuries. Route 128 also runs through Waltham, making it a busy town where drivers need to meticulously follow the road rules.
If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident in Waltham, then don’t wait around. Give DiBella Law Offices P.C. a call today at (978) 327-5140. We can help you get the compensation you deserve to cover all of your injuries and expenses.

Give us a call today to discover how we can assist you.
Fault and Compensation
Because Waltham is in Massachusetts, it operates in the no-fault system. This means that if you are in an auto accident, you can file against your own insurance provider to get compensation for your injuries. This means that because the blame does not lie on either party, it does not matter whether a driver is negligent. Both parties are able to claim against their insurance.
Can I Seek Compensation From the Negligent Driver’s Insurance?
If you have been in an accident where a negligent driver is involved, you may be able to claim compensation from the negligent driver’s insurance and pursue your claim outside the no-fault system if you meet certain conditions. You can do this where the other driver has been negligent and you have $2,000 in medical expenses, or if you have suffered permanent effects due to your injury. This is important to know, especially if you only have a minimum policy that may not fully cover the costs of your injuries.
We've offered crucial support and guidance to individuals who have suffered injuries, ensuring their financial and emotional well-being.
What Kind of Compensation Can I Pursue in Waltham?
If your claim is serious enough to be pursued outside the no-fault system, a number of different types of damages can be pursued. These include but are not limited to property damage, medical bills, permanent injury or disability, lost wages and more. Talk to one of our Waltham personal injury attorneys today about your best route of compensation and how you can pursue your claim.
Get in touch with us today to get a free consultation.
How Does Insurance Work?
This is an important question. Waltham has specific auto insurance minimums that every driver must meet if they wish to register a vehicle. This includes personal injury protection coverage up to a certain limit. You are able to access this coverage even when you were in a single car accident or where the other driver was not negligent.
On paper, this is a great policy; however, it does not extend to anything apart from medical expenses. This means that you won’t be able to claim other expenses that occurred as a result of your accident, such as lost wages or pain and suffering.
What Happens If the Other Driver Does Not Have Insurance?
Unfortunately, you may find yourself in the situation where you have been in an auto accident where the other driver was negligent but does not have insurance. In this situation, you may have a hard time covering your medical expenses. This can also occur where the other driver only has a minimum policy.
You do have a recourse in this situation. If you have minimum liability insurance, then your insurance company is also required to provide uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. These policies are designed to match your liability policy limits and apply to situations where you are injured by a driver who leaves the scene of an accident or does not have insurance, and where the other driver does not have enough coverage to compensate you for the full costs of the accident.
You Should Choose DiBella Law Offices P.C.
For nearly two decades, we have represented clients injured in all kinds of auto accidents. We have successfully handled thousands of cases and recovered millions of dollars for our clients. Our team is experienced and ready to fight on your behalf so you receive the compensation you deserve after a Waltham car accident.
You do not have to deal with this alone. Call us today at (978) 327-5140.
We are committed to providing valuable information and resources to assist you.