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Quincy Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs are loyal companions and fierce protectors, and they serve an important role in law enforcement. These protective instincts, however, can make even gentle dogs react to real or perceived threats with aggression. Dog bites and attacks can produce serious damage to victims, causing physical and psychological injuries requiring extensive interventions. In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, victims have significant legal recourse for pursuing compensation after sustaining a dog bite or attack.

As a victim, you should not have to shoulder the financial burden that comes from a dog bite injury, and a Quincy personal injury lawyer from DiBella Law will fight to put that burden where it belongs–on the dog owner. Our team has been serving injury victims in Massachusetts for nearly two decades, and we are ready to get to work for you. Reach out to a Quincy dog bite lawyer from our firm for help getting the compensation you deserve.

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Image of Christopher DiBella

Reviewed by: Christopher DiBella

March 25, 2025

Massachusetts Follows Strict Liability Dog-Bite Laws

Some states allow dogs and dog owners a “free” bite before facing dog-bite civil lawsuits from a victim. Before that first bite, it is presumed dog owners had no knowledge of their dog’s propensity for aggression, so they are not held responsible for the dog’s behavior. Massachusetts does not hold to the free-bite law, and from bite one, dog owners can be held liable for injuries their animals cause.

According to Massachusetts General Law 155, if a dog harms the body or property of a person, the “owner or keeper” of the dog is liable for the damage. When the dog’s keeper is underage, the laws assign responsibility to the parents or guardian of that keeper. For example, if a 13-year-old is walking a dog and the dog bites someone, the parents of the teen would be liable.

Massachusetts law does not just cover dog bites–any damage to a person or property is included. If a dog causes you injury by knocking you down, the dog’s owner bears the blame. Contact a dog bite attorney in Quincy, MA, to work to recover your losses.

A Quincy Dog Bite Attorney Can Navigate K9 Unit Dog Bite Cases

K9 units help law enforcement catch criminals and protect the public, but there is no doubt these dogs can be dangerous, and sometimes, innocent bystanders are bitten or hurt by a dog engaged in an official act. The process for filing and collecting damages in a dog bite K9 Unit claim is complicated, but DiBella Law can help. Our team has experience with all types of dog injury claims and with navigating claims against government offices.

We’ve offered crucial support and guidance to individuals who have suffered injuries, ensuring their financial and emotional well-being.

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When Dog Owners Fight Culpability

Though it follows strict liability, Massachusetts may clear dog owners of culpability under certain circumstances. Sometimes, dog owners try to use these defenses to protect themselves from paying victims damages. A dog bite lawyer in Quincy can help protect you from unwarranted blame and lost compensation.

Victims Were Trespassing

If a person is on a dog owner’s property unlawfully when hurt by the dog, the owner will most likely not be held liable. Since the victim entered the property without permission, the victim bears liability for injuries sustained while on that property. However, if the trespasser is less than seven years of age when attacked, the law presumes the child was not acting criminally, and the dog owner may be held liable for not properly restraining the dog or securing the property.

Victims Provoked the Dog

Massachusetts General Law 155 does not protect “victims” who are bitten after provoking a dog. When a dog strikes back upon being teased, tormented, or abused by the victim, the victim–not the dog’s owner–is likely to bear culpability. If the antagonizer is under seven years old, however, liability may return to the dog owner, as it does for young trespassers.

The Dog Was Under Another’s Care

If someone else was responsible for the dog when the bite occurred, the dog owner may not be liable. For example, dog owners may hire walkers to exercise their dogs during the workday or hire sitters to stay with the dog when the owner takes a vacation. Similarly, if a veterinarian or groomer is bitten by a dog while caring for it, owners are typically not responsible under the State’s dog-bite statutes.

As a victim, it is essential to file against the appropriate party to see a successful case outcome. Pointing the finger at the wrong party can cost you fair compensation. A dog bite attorney in Quincy will review your situation carefully to identify the liable party, ensure you file correctly, and give you the best chance of collecting substantial damages.

Why You Need Compensation for a Dog Bite

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports there are hundreds of thousands of dog bites in the country each year. Dog bite injuries are serious on their own and can lead to increasingly dangerous outcomes if they become infected. Along with infection, including the potential for rabies, dog bites can cause nerve damage, broken bones, deep lacerations, and permanent scarring, as well as psychological trauma.

Research published in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) indicates that bites to the face bring “significant emotional, psychological, and physical trauma” and are more common among children than adult bite victims. Such injuries often require reconstructive measures, including skin grafting. The research recognizes infection as the most common complication of dog bites, with the most severe secondary infections leading to sepsis, which can be fatal.

Victims deserve compensation for their medical costs and the subsequent losses caused by their injuries. A dog bite lawyer in Quincy, MA, will fight to recover all monetary expenses and losses incurred by the dog bite and financial acknowledgment for pain and suffering. Your attorney will value your losses with great care, demanding fair and full compensation from the party responsible.

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We Take Your Case Personally

Your case matters to us. DiBella takes every dog bite or other injury case personally. We know what it is like to experience hardship, and that experience drives our commitment to get the best outcome possible for our clients. Connect with a Quincy dog bite lawyer from our firm for a free consultation. Your case, your well-being, and your financial future will benefit from the “DiBella Difference.”

Get in touch with us today to get a free consultation.

Image of Christopher Dibella