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Boston Burn Injury Lawyer

Burns are some of the most painful injuries a person can sustain. And serious burns are far more common than one might expect. More than one serious burn occurs each day in Massachusetts, and many of these burn-related injuries are the result of someone’s negligent activity.

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Image of Christopher DiBella

Reviewed by: Christopher DiBella

March 17, 2025

Did You Suffer Serious Burns and Scarring in Boston?

If someone else caused you to suffer a serious burn, it is important that you contact DiBella Law Injury and Accident Lawyers, at (617) 663-0665. Our team of Boston personal injury lawyers will meet you for a free consultation to determine if you have grounds for a civil claim.

What Are the Severity of Burns?

Burns are categorized by the level of the damage that they cause to the victim.

  • First-degree burns are superficial, affecting only the first layer of the skin. They cause redness and pain, but the area does not blister.
  • Second-degree burns are the result of more intense heat or longer contact and cause blisters as well as redness and pain.
  • Third-degree burns go beyond blisters and cause the skin to appear to be charred or blackened. In the worst cases, the skin will have a white ashen look.
  • Fourth-degree burns will include damage to the underlying muscle, bone, and nerves.

Medical treatment should always be sought for burns with blistering. In addition, burns from chemicals, electricity, or radiation could contribute to other conditions and will require immediate medical attention. Even second-degree burns in certain areas, such as the hands or face, could require surgery to prevent scarring or a decrease in range of motion.

Burns in the Workplace

Workplace burns are common in the Boston area. Construction workers spend hours working around welding equipment, torches, and other heat sources – even heating equipment, during the cold Boston winters. If the equipment is not properly maintained and serviced, burns are all but inevitable – and explosions are a danger. Roofers handle hot tar on a regular basis and all it takes is one mistake to cause a serious burn injury. Cooks in restaurants, fryers in fast food eateries, and operators of commercial dishwashers are all working in potentially hazardous environments and are trusting their employers and coworkers to act responsibly to ensure everyone’s safety.

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Burns from Auto Accidents

A Boston car accident can leave you with anything from mild bruises to life-threatening organ damage. But when the fuel or other fluids from a damaged vehicle ignite, burn injuries are certain to be much more serious and painful.

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What Potential Compensation Can You Get?

When you suffer burns as a result of another person’s negligence, or failure to act within the limits of reasonable care for others, then you have a right to compensation for your injuries and other expenses. This compensation can include:

  • Current and future medical bills related to treatment, surgery, or reconstructive surgery
  • The cost of long-term in-home care or assisted living
  • Lost wages, potential lost earnings, and lost earning potential
  • Home renovations, to make your home accessible after your burn injury
  • Pain and suffering as well as diminished quality of life

Suffering serious burns is both painful and stressful for anyone to overcome. But when those burns were the result of someone else’s poor choices, the trauma can be even more difficult to deal with. At DiBella Law Injury and Accident Lawyers, we understand the mental and physical struggle to recover from your burn injury, and we are here to help you. We offer nearly two decades of experience in seeking and securing full compensation for Boston burn victims. Call (617) 663-0665 today to schedule a free consultation at our Boston personal injury lawyer office.

Get in touch with us today to get a free consultation.

Image of Christopher Dibella