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in Massachusetts ride elevators during their workday, never thinking they could be injured or killed. Everyone, from construction workers to office workers, enters the elevator car assuming that it will be an uneventful ride. But all mechanical devices can fail....
one of the leading causes of traffic collisions nationwide. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately nine people are killed and more than 1,000 injured on a daily basis in crashes that are reported to involve...
event data recorders (EDRs), are often mentioned after tragic plane crashes, but these devices are actually incredible common in day-to-day life. All modern semi-trucks are legally required to have black boxes in order to collect data about collisions, and most...
one of the most dangerous habits people have developed over the past decade, leading to thousands of injuries and deaths each year across the United States. One of the worst aspects of it is how commonplace it has become. Despite...
might assume a “Beware of Dog” sign will protect them from liability if a dog bites and injuries any person present on the property. Warning passersby, visitors, and guests about the presence of a dog may be considered a strong...
for terrible traffic, with some of the worst congestion in the world. People who drive into the city often park their cars in garages and walk to where they need to go, because it is faster than driving. In a...
Massachusetts killed 390 people in 2021, as reported by CBS Boston. This is the highest number of statewide traffic fatalities in 12 years. Some of the most dangerous roads in the state include I-93, the Massachusetts Turnpike, I-95, I-495, and...
most hotly debated issues when it comes to personal injury claims is pre-existing conditions, especially for older accident victims. A serious car wreck or slip-and-fall and cause catastrophic injuries to the elderly, as well as to younger victims, and it...
people in the United States were injured in distraction-related crashes last year. Approximately 3154 of those people sustained fatal injuries, 445 of which were related to cell phone use. To reduce the number of personal injuries caused by distracted driving,...