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Massachusetts Car Accident Lawsuit Statute of Limitations

Last Updated: March 26, 2025

A rental car crashed into another vehicle while driving in reverse out of a parking lot.
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It’s time for you to get justice for the losses you endured in a car accident. Do you still have the right to, though? If it’s been more than three years, you may have accidentally waived your right to legal action. Massachusetts has a strict statute of limitations in place that dictates how soon car accident survivors need to bring lawsuits forward in the state’s civil courts. 

If you miss your filing deadline, you may no longer have the right to go to court. Have a conversation with our Massachusetts car accident lawyers to learn more about the different ways the state’s car accident lawsuit statute of limitations can impact your recovery timeline. DiBella Law Offices’ personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts are prepared to take your case today.

How Long do You Have to File a Car Accident Claim in Massachusetts?

Personal injury lawyers know that Massachusetts applies a general statute of limitations to all cases that fall underneath the banner of “personal injury.” This includes your car accident case and lawsuit. This means that, according to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 260 section 2A, you have no more than three years to bring information about your losses forward.

Why does the Car Accident Statute of Limitations Matter?

The time limit outlined by the car accident statute of limitations ensures that the information bystanders submit about your case reflects the reality of that accident as accurately as possible. The courts in Massachusetts believe that the longer it’s been since witnesses saw your accident, the less accurate their memories can prove when put under scrutiny.

Likewise, courts believe that the value of evidence tends to degrade over time. If you try to bring a car accident case that’s more than three years old forward to a civil judge, said judge can deny your right to file. That denial can stem from the belief that, no matter how comprehensive your lawsuit is, the evidence is too old to reflect the reality of your accident.

Can You File a Car Accident Claim Outside of Your Statute of Limitations?

It is incredibly difficult to file a car accident claim in Massachusetts after that case’s statute of limitations expires. If you’ve missed your filing deadline, you need to get in touch with a Massachusetts car wreck lawyer. Our team can discuss what circumstances led you to miss your deadline and what exceptions might still let you fight for fair compensation.

Our team of seasoned Boston car accident lawyers offers car accident survivors like you the opportunity to book a FREE case evaluation with our experienced attorneys. Don’t wait – reach out today to learn more about how we can help you get your life back on track.

Can an Attorney Help You File a Claim Before Your Car Accident Statute of Limitations Expires?

Experienced car accident attorneys in Massachusetts can help you file a car accident claim before your statute of limitations expires. That’s why it’s in your best interest to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer shortly after your crash. Our team can step in and manage your case even if you’re contending with serious injuries.

We prioritize a comprehensive investigation into your case that highlights the negligence that led to your crash. Our services can help you fight for the fair settlement you need to recover from life-changing losses, including debilitating injuries and property damage.

Let’s Break Down Your Right to Damages

Our team argues that the negligence that led to your car accident entitles you to compensation covering your economic and non-economic losses. Before we can make that argument, though, we need to calculate the total value of your losses. We do this by breaking down the different economic ways an accident impacted your life.

Car accident lawyers in Massachusetts can often integrate losses like the following into our clients’ accident lawsuits:

  • Emotional distress
  • Lost property and property restoration
  • Lost wages and opportunities to return to work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emergency medical care and medical bills
  • Long-term treatment for accident-related injuries
  • Additional medical expenses
  • Wrongful death and funeral expenses, if applicable

If you have questions about the losses you might include in a personal injury lawsuit, get in touch with our team. We take pride in transparently discussing our efforts to fight for the settlement you deserve.

Hold the Right Parties Responsible for Your Losses

You must prove that you can hold a certain party liable for your losses within the statute of limitations allotted to you after a car accident. The best way to establish liability for your accident is to bring forward evidence arguing that:

  • A particular party or group of parties owed you a duty of care
  • The named party engaged in negligence
  • That negligence violated the duty of care owed to you
  • You endured economic losses as a result of that negligence

Our team can return to an accident scene to bring forward debris, video footage, and photos that can help establish liability for your losses. We can also request that witnesses contribute testimony to your case to establish someone else’s fault better.

Car accident liability isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes, another driver may prove responsible for your losses. Other times, a car manufacturer may bear the bulk of the blame. When in doubt, trust the evidence. You can’t hold anyone accountable for your losses if you don’t have the data you need to back up your claim.

Let DiBella Law Offices Keep You Ahead of Your Car Accident Case’s Expiration Date

You must prove that you can hold a certain party liable for your losses within the statute of limitations allotted to you after a car accident. The best way to establish liability for your accident is to bring forward evidence arguing that:

  • A particular party or group of parties owed you a duty of care
  • The named party engaged in negligence
  • That negligence violated the duty of care owed to you
  • You endured economic losses as a result of that negligence

Our team can return to an accident scene to bring forward debris, video footage, and photos that can help establish liability for your losses. We can also request that witnesses contribute testimony to your case to establish someone else’s fault better.

Car accident liability isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes, another driver may prove responsible for your losses. Other times, a car manufacturer may bear the bulk of the blame. When in doubt, trust the evidence. You can’t hold anyone accountable for your losses if you don’t have the data you need to back up your claim.