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How Much do Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Charge in Massachusetts?

Last Updated: March 26, 2025

Chris DiBella explaining car accident lawyer fees to a client
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Motorcycle accidents in Massachusetts are terrifying and expensive. Medical costs and damages can quickly accumulate and leave you questioning how to pay for these expenses, let alone how to hire and pay for legal representation when you need it.

However, affording a motorcycle accident lawyer may be easier than you think. 

At DiBella Law, we understand the financial hardship you may be under during this time and offer an accessible payment model so you do not have to handle the legal aftermath alone.

Our team genuinely cares about your well-being and is ready to help you turn this struggle into success. Every case is personal to us and all of our clients are our top priority.

How Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Charge for Their Services

Motorcycle accident lawyers use a variety of billing methods when charging for their services. Some lawyers may use the traditional hourly billing approach, where all work is tracked and calculated by the amount of hours spent on your case. Others may use a flat fee where all relevant services are included in one price and are not subject to fluctuations. 

Lawyers can also charge for their services with a contingency fee model. With this method, clients do not pay any legal fees unless a lawyer wins their case and they are awarded compensation.

The benefit of this structure is that it makes legal representation more accessible to those in need by delaying payment until you are awarded funds to cover the expenses related to your accident. 

At DiBella Law, we operate on a contingency fee basis for all of our personal injury cases. This model allows us to help our clients recover their losses and get justice without the stress of worrying about how to afford legal counsel during a tough time.

We understand that the cost of a lawyer is a significant factor for many when weighing their options for hiring an attorney, and we strive to take the financial stress out of the equation.

What Services Are Included When Calculating Legal Fees for a Motorcycle Accident?

There are many factors that can affect how much you may pay in legal fees for a motorcycle accident in Massachusetts. The severity and complexity of your case can heavily influence the time and resources required to reach a resolution and, therefore, how much you may be charged for a law firm’s services.

There are also a variety of legal documents and actions you must pay for when filing with the State of Massachusetts that include: 

  • Claims and lawsuits
  • Subpoenas, warrants, and summons
  • Depositions
  • Court hearings
  • Appeals
  • Petitions
  • Requests for court documents
  • Transcripts
  • Notarization

A motorcycle accident lawyer will be able to direct you on which ones are applicable to your accident and compensation strategy. The cost of any one of these requests or actions can vary from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars per item.

A lawyer will keep track of and record all costs for your case and add them to your total attorney fees to be paid upon acceptance of compensation.

Additional Financial Considerations

It is important to talk to your lawyer about all the costs that may apply to your case and ask for a detailed breakdown if possible. This allows you to know upfront what fees you are responsible for so you can factor it into your decision when selecting a law firm to represent you.

Also, not all law firms offer free consultations, so it is recommended to ask before scheduling an initial appointment so you are not caught by surprise.

When working with a law firm, it is also important to ask your lawyer if your settlement is taxable in Massachusetts. While personal claims are not usually taxable, there are some exceptions where you may need to report your settlement when filing your annual taxes.

These exceptions can include compensation for medical expenses that were previously reported as deductions, as well as any emotional or punitive damages you may have received.

Ensuring Ethical Legal Fees

To ensure law firms charge a reasonable fee for their services so that clients can have access to legal representation, the American Bar Association (ABA) provides lawyers with guidelines to follow for ethical billing practices.

These rules are in place to keep legal fees affordable so the cost does not become prohibitive for motorcycle accident victims. Elements that law firms should consider when determining their billing structure include: 

  • The amount of time, work, and skill needed to render services
  • Consistency with the local range of fees for similar services
  • The type of results being targeted
  • Any time constraints by the client or situation
  • The duration and nature of the attorney-client relationship
  • Level of experience and reputation that the lawyer possesses
  • The type of billing method being used

According to the ABA, prior to being hired, lawyers should provide clients with a verbal and written scope of the legal services to be provided, a timeframe for which the work will be completed, and the cost of the work.

All agreements for contingency fees must be signed and state how the fee is calculated, how much the lawyer will deduct upon settlement, the timeframe upon which the fees will be extracted, as well as any other fees or liabilities a client may be responsible for or need to be aware of before working with the lawyer.

Hire DiBella Law to Represent Your Motorcycle Accident Case

DiBella Law understands that motorcycle accidents can cause staggering injuries and financial hardship for injury victims. With our contingency fee model and proven track record of successful case results, we ensure that you can get the quality legal representation and compensation you need to get relief swiftly when you need it the most.

Schedule a free consultation with a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer today to learn how we can represent you, get you justice, and be your advocate and negotiator while you recover from your motorcycle accident.