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Newton Truck Accident Attorney

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Image of Christopher DiBella

Reviewed by: Christopher DiBella

March 28, 2025

Delivery trucks travel Newton’s suburban streets. Close to Boston, the city’s residents share nearby state roads and interstates with 18-wheelers and other commercial trucks. While these trucks contribute to the economy and keep customers satisfied with overnight–or close to it–deliveries, they also play a role in dangerous traffic accidents.

When that accident is preventable, victims can hold the at-fault party liable for damages with help from a Newton personal injury lawyer. DiBella Law has served Massachusetts injury victims for over 20 years and has recovered millions of dollars in accident damages.

To get compensated for your accident losses, your best way forward is to partner with a Newton truck accident lawyer from our team.

Types of Truck Accidents

Various kinds of trucks populate the roads. An accident with any type of truck can cause life-changing consequences.

No matter what variety of truck is involved in your accident, a truck accident lawyer in Newton can handle the specific challenges.

Commercial Trucks

There are special traffic rules for truck drivers, and all commercial trucks must abide by strict regulations imposed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). DiBella Law understands these regulations and will work to expose non-compliance factors, or any other factors, that contribute to your accident.

If a driver exceeds the allowed hours on duty or ignores mandatory rest periods, or if truck companies fail to keep their trucks safely maintained or vet their drivers, these parties may be culpable for your damages.

Tractor-trailers travel long distances, hauling tons of cargo. Improperly loaded cargo or use of non-regulation cargo restraints can cause a truck to become unbalanced as materials shift, potentially leading to a jackknife or rollover accident.

Trucks hauling dangerous chemicals pose additional dangers in a crash as sparks can ignite spilled chemicals, causing fires and releasing dangerous toxins into the air.

Amazon, Fed-Ex, DHL, UPS, and Other Delivery-Service Trucks

These trucks are a common sight on neighborhood streets and busy roads as the demand for fast delivery continues to rise. DiBella Law recognizes how Amazon pushes its drivers to dangerous extremes–and that company is not alone. Competition is fierce, and cutting safety corners to emerge the winner has unfortunately led to higher numbers of accident victims.

Accidents with delivery trucks come with additional complications. Some drivers, even if their trucks and uniforms bear a company label, operate as independent contractors or delivery partners and are not covered by the company’s insurance.

A skilled Newton truck accident attorney will analyze your situation to determine who is responsible for your accident and which insurance company needs to pay.

Construction Vehicles

These massive trucks comprise complex systems made of dangerous moving parts. They potentially come equipped with blades, cement mixers, or pulleys or carry heavy machinery, and these factors only increase the risk of devastating consequences in an accident.

Construction companies and vehicle manufacturers must comply with Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) safety regulations to protect vehicle operators, construction workers, and others sharing roads or space with construction trucks.

Government-Owned Vehicles

Government-owned vehicles include sanitation trucks, other trucks used by local public works departments, and mail trucks, for example.

Accident cases where the at-fault party is a government entity come with their own set of rules–rules even more complicated than those applying to claims against private entities. The team at DiBella Law knows these rules and will work to take your case through the process efficiently.

We’ve offered crucial support and guidance to individuals who have suffered injuries, ensuring their financial and emotional well-being.

Dibella "D" white logo

Large-Truck Dangers

Information from the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) highlights specific causes and effects associated with truck accidents. Trucks typically weigh 20-30 times more than passenger vehicles, so crashes can easily devastate the smaller vehicle. Trucks are also taller and have higher ground clearance than passenger vehicles, putting lower vehicles at risk of sliding underneath them.

According to the IIHS, truck driver fatigue is a “known crash risk” despite the FMCSA regulations. Even within guidelines, drivers can still spend 11 hours nonstop behind the wheel. Fatigued drivers have slower reaction times, less awareness of road hazards, and are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel.

It is harder to stop trucks, especially when roads are slick, trucks are overloaded, or vehicles do not undergo adequate maintenance. These factors, among others, put others on the roads at high risk. Passenger-vehicle occupants are those most often killed in truck-involved accidents.

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A Truck Accident Lawyer in Newton, MA, Can Help

After getting medical attention for your injuries, connect with DiBella Law. Getting to the bottom of truck accidents in Massachusetts is what we do. We will carry out a thorough investigation to figure out what happened and who is responsible for paying you damages.

Reach out as soon as possible so your truck accident attorney in Newton can file your claim within the three-year statute of limitations established in Section 2A of Massachusetts General Law.

If your claim is against the government, the legal deadline is shorter, making a prompt partnership especially important. Your attorney will evaluate your losses to determine fair compensation and send the demand to the at-fault party’s representatives.

Personal injury cases are often settled through negotiations, but sometimes, a trial fight is necessary. Your truck accident attorney in Newton, MA, will be well prepared for either situation, and though there is no average truck accident settlement amount, you can expect your lawyer to fight for your medical costs, income loss, property damage, pain and emotional suffering, diminished quality of life, and any other accident-related loss.

Your Case Matters to Us

DiBella Law cares about our clients. Your case–your injuries, emotional trauma, and future well-being–all matter to us. You can depend on us to fight tirelessly to get you justice and a financially secure future.

Victims of preventable accidents face the physical and emotional consequences of that trauma–they should not also bear the financial burden. Our goal is to take that burden off your shoulders and put it where it belongs, on the negligent party, so you can move on with your life.

Get in touch with us today to get a free consultation.

Image of Christopher Dibella